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If you was given one chance to go to one place in this whole wide world and to do whatever you wanted to do to make a change, where would you go and what changes would you make? Share your wish...


Anonymous said...

I would stay right in the United States, and I would change the way the rich capitalize off of the poor and the weak. I would see to it that teachers and nurses got more money. Atheletes would never make as much money as they are making. We have scientists that are curing diseases that will never see the type of money that people are getting for playing with a ball. That is what I would change. I really love your blogs.

Anonymous said...

Honestly I think I would go to Africa and try to fight for the world hungry children. There are so many horrible cases in Africa I would love to be apart of that. I also be able to able to see the country but make a great difference as well.

Anonymous said...

If I could travel the world to make a difference I would keep it home in the states. Because there is so much work to be done right here in our own country. There are hungry children here, poverty, crime rate at a high, unemployment, homeless families and high school drop out rate ridiculous. I could go on and on, seriously if we want to make a difference we should make it here in the USA first. But first we need to start by getting OBAMA in office if we want change.. Go OBAMA, Vote R Die!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is for "gagurlatwork"(thursday,Oct.16,2008)...I would like to know why you think OBAMA is the right choice to pick for change. I'm just cuirious because as you may know, we've been tricked for so many years by these loud voices that continue to say "I want to make a change". And when they get in there the only people who see the good part of the changes are their own families and friends, and the people who hate americans...they get billions of dollars to strengthen their negative acts against us. However, you made some very strong points and facts about what's happening here in the USA. And don't get me wrong, I do respect your opinion and you choices. I'm just curious to know why you feel so strongly about the OBAMA guy. Everyone has an opinion, so again, you are respected.

Anonymous said...

if i had one wish to go any where and do anything i would have to say i would go to spain and learn everything that i could about there culture and find me a man while im there lol

Jazy's Blog said...

Jazy said...
If I could go anywhere, I would stay right here in the Good ole U.S.A. There is plenty of work to do right here. It is said that it takes a village ti raise a child, and I feel I am where I need to be.I would do what I could for homeless families here in the U.S. what has happened to us as a nation? where did we go wrong? We as Americans are needed right here at home, I don't like to fly anyway..

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